21st Nova Corps

Arma 3 Starsim Community

The 21st Nova Corps is a Starsim community in the world of Arma 3. With the help of mods, it has been possible to reshape Arma 3 into Star Wars. The 21st Nova Corps puts fun as its priority and of course, everyone is treated with respect. The 21st Nova Corps is open for everyone who has interests in Star Wars lore and by chance plays/owns Arma 3. By joining this community, one is able to experience blasterfights against clankers with Clones from all over the Galaxy.
About Us image


03:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Main Operation
Location: server: 21st Nova Corps (official)

Continue the big campaign across the galaxy, or train on a platoon level scale.
This is a weekly thing.


12:00 AM - 11:45 PM
Fun Operation
Location: server: 21st Nova Corps (official)

These are little missions of max 2 hours long that can range from standard 21st operations to full on zombie survival games.
These operations are daily presented to the public.


Donation Amount

Do you want to join the 21st Nova Corps?
Well you must have the guts and be one of the best.
Join the Discord and prove your worth.
Enlistment image

CC-0173 "Peanut"

Clone Captain

CLT-5002 "Corgi"

Clone Lieutenant

CS-7039 "Trap"

Clone Sergeant

CS-1487 "Queeck"

Clone Sergeant

CS-0096 "Brotha"

Clone Sergeant

CW4-1990 "Poly"

Clone Warrant Officer